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Revenue sharing is the distribution of the total amount of income generated by the sale of goods or services between the stakeholders or contributors. It should not be confused with profit shares. As with profit shares only the profit is shared, that is the revenue left over after costs have been removed.
Add the total sales of the product or product category for your company and all your competitors to find the total sales revenue generated by the product. Divide your sales revenue by the total sales revenue. Multiply the result by 100 to calculate your market share by sales revenue as a percentage.
Revenue sharing is the distribution of revenue, that is the total amount of income generated by the sale of goods and services, among the stakeholders or contributors.Revenue shares allow the stakeholders to realize returns as soon as revenue is earned, before any costs are deducted.
Several major professional sports leagues use revenue sharing with ticket proceeds and merchandising. For example, the separate organizations that run each team in the National Football League (NFL) jointly pool together large portions of their revenues and distribute them among all members.
A revenue share partnership agreement, also known as a profit-sharing agreement, is a document signed by all partners in a partnership that outlines the criteria to be followed when distributing business profits or losses. The agreement may be made as part of, or as an attachment to, a partnership agreement.
Under a revenue-sharing contract, a retailer pays a supplier a wholesale price for each unit purchased, plus a percentage of the revenue the retailer generates. Such contracts have become more prevalent in the videocassette rental industry relative to the more conventional wholesale price contract.