In conclusion, US Legal Forms offers an extensive collection of legal documents, making the drafting process seamless and stress-free. By following these steps, you can ensure that your request for retirement due to medical reasons is handled professionally.
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Dear INSERT MANAGER'S NAME, Please accept this letter as notice of my retirement from the position of INSERT JOB TITLE at INSERT COMPANY. I have enjoyed my INSERT TIME YOU HAVE WORKED AT THE COMPANY with the business immensely and have had great satisfaction in taking on the challenges given to me.
Dear (Name of the employer), With utmost respect, I am writing a formal sick leave request email to the manager of absence as I have a serious health issue that bothers my day to day activities. Because of this, I am unable to come to the office as I have to undergo regular checkup and medication.
Sample Resignation Letter (Due to Health Issues) Last name: It is with profound sadness that I have had to draft this letter of resignation that takes effect three weeks from now. I shall no longer serve as XXX with your company. I got diagnosed with Stage II Colorectal Cancer.
You are not obligated to provide a reason when you resign. If you prefer to keep your health issues confidential, it's acceptable to write a simple note stating that you are leaving and informing your employer of your last day of work.
Tell your boss that you are tentatively thinking about retiring on date . Say you are not 100% certain yet but want to give a heads-up now of your retirement plans. Also explain that you would like to reserve the right to change your mind. Ask to keep things quiet for now.
Write a physical letter. Give ample notice. Express your appreciation. Describe your achievements. Describe what you plan to do going forward. If you're interested in consulting or freelancing, mention the possibility. Offer assistance moving forward.
Be clear and concise: Start off your letter by saying why you're writing (to express congratulations). You can then share some personal memories and note how much the retiree has done. If it's appropriate, mention things you'll miss about the retiree, from grabbing coffee together to their help reviewing contracts.
Sub: Request for Pension Release (or Gratuity Fund) Respected sir, With due respect, I want to say that my father, (Name), who has been an employee (Job Designation) of your company (Department name) since (Date: DD/MM/YY), passed away (Date) due to serious illness (Cause of death). May God bless his soul in peace.
Your retirement letter should include the details of your departure: Your letter should include the date you are resigning, which will be the last day you work. If you can help during the transition that will follow your resignation, mention this as well.