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Begin your journey to formalize your preschool teacher employment today. Explore US Legal Forms for your legal document needs!
A clear job description. This should set out the role and duties of the employee. Salary or wage details. The nature of the employment. The reporting structure. Leave entitlements. Confidentiality. Non-compete/restraint of trade. Protection of intellectual property.
Kindergarten and elementary school teachers generally work during school hours when students are present. They may meet with parents, students, and other teachers before and after school. They often spend time in the evenings and on weekends grading papers and preparing lessons.
Preschool teachers play an important role in building a child's success in their first years of school. Teachers do more than facilitate arts and crafts projects throughout the day. They provide structure and help children grow in their reading and writing skills, teach science and help children understand themselves.
How much do preschool teachers make? Preschool teachers earned a median annual income of $29,780 in 2018, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The top 10 percent of pre-k teachers earned around $55,350, and the bottom 10 percent earned less than $21,000.
Early childhood teachers love working with children. It's their passion. So their job satisfaction level is not low, but their stress level is high, said Jeon.Teachers who work in noisy, chaotic environments reported higher levels of stress and depressed feelings.
Although it could vary by personal preference, some disadvantages of being a preschool teacher could include the low pay. ONET reports that the average hourly salary for a preschool teacher is $13.26 and the average annual salary is $27,570.
Work EnvironmentPreschool teachers usually work in public schools, private schools, and childcare centers that have preschool programs. It may be rewarding to see children develop new skills and gain an appreciation of knowledge and learning. However, it can also be tiring to work with young, active children all day.
On average, preschool teachers were making $28,570 in 2015, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That's a little more than half of what kindergarten teachers were making: $51,640.
Job Satisfaction A job with a low stress level, good work-life balance and solid prospects to improve, get promoted and earn a higher salary would make many employees happy. Here's how Preschool Teachers job satisfaction is rated in terms of upward mobility, stress level and flexibility.