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Be straightforward and concise. Keep it short. Motivate others to achieve the same objectives. Use the letter for your advantage. Write to avoid questions later. Avoid nonsense.
A strike is legal if it does not violate any provision of the statute.The use of force, coercion, violence or acts of sabotage resorted to by the workmen during the strike period which was legal and justified would disentitle them to wages for strike period.
Once an application is made for striking off of company by filing E-form STK-2, the concerned Registrar of Companies (ROC) after verifying the documents will strike off the name of company and this procedure normally takes 3-4 month.
Lawful Purposes A strike is legal and therefore protected by the NLRA if the employees are striking for economic reasons or to protest an unfair labor practice by the employer.
Typically, workers cannot be fired for going on strike. The NLRA protects the right of workers to strike and prohibits employers from terminating employees for exercising this right. However, the law will only protect lawful strikes.
Such declarations are usually of an informal type so, the letter must be written in an informal way, should be simple and should clearly narrate the reason for the announcement letter. The terms should be stated clearly and concisely, that what the event is and what further action should be taken by the recipient.
Clearly, state the reason for writing the letter. Keep it short and concise without exaggerating too much onto the details. Always proofread your letter to avoid grammatical errors and mistakes. Add some excitement to your letter making people curious to read it.
A serious note on the demands, grievances and conditions during a strike is made in this letter. Announce the date of commencement and the reason for the strike. Mention the demands of the employees that will get them back to work. Explain that resolving the issues is the prime concern.
Segment Your Audience. Before writing an interesting announcement, it is essential to consider your audience. Find the Best Tone of Voice for Your Audience. Be Clear and Concise. Highlight the Most Important Details. Use Different Writing Structures. Use Trending MEMEs and GIFs.