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When you sample another artist's music without obtaining their permission, you're infringing on the copyright to that work, no matter how big or small of a portion you actually use.Therefore, if you want to legally use a sample of a piece of music in your work, you have to obtain permission, every single time.
One of those common myths is this: you can legally sample a copyrighted song without permission as long as the sample is shorter than 6 seconds, or 11 seconds, or 15 seconds2026
Find the Music Publisher. In order to get these sample clearances, you will first need to find the copyright owners of the song and master recording. Find the Master Recording Owner. Recreate the Music Sample. Seek Copyright Owners who are Happy to Clear Samples. Contact the Artist Directly.
If you decide to use samples without clearance, you might be in the clear in certain situations. Under U.S. copyright law, you do not have to obtain sample clearance if your sample is so altered that it does not infringe on the original, or your use is a fair one.
You CANNOT sample music without permission, no matter how short or long the sample is. Copyright is copyright. And if the sample is recognizable (hell, even if it isn't recognizable), you're using another person's intellectual property in order to construct or enhance your own.
You may have heard of "fair use," a copyright provision that permits you to use 10, 15 or 30 seconds of music without copyright obligation. That is, you understand that you can use a short section of a song without paying a fee.
Going Without Sample Clearance You should avoid using the title of the sampled music in your song title. If you sell only a limited number of recordings of your music and sell them only at performances, you may not face a copyright infringement lawsuit.
Simple random sampling. In a simple random sample, every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected. Systematic sampling. Stratified sampling. Cluster sampling.
What Is Fair Sampling? Accurate, well-drawn samples can be established using several diverse methods. Ideally, these sampling methods make representative assessments of trends within a population of interest. These conditions constitute fair sampling.