An Overdraft Agreement with Bank is a contract between the bank and a customer that sets out the terms and conditions for an overdraft. It outlines the customer's ability to access funds beyond their account balance and the fees associated with it. An overdraft agreement typically involves a customer agreeing to pay a fee and/or interest for using the overdraft facility. The two main types of overdraft agreements with a bank are an authorized overdraft and an unsecured overdraft. An authorized overdraft is an arrangement with the bank in which the customer is given a specific credit limit and can access additional funds up to the limit. An unsecured overdraft, on the other hand, does not require any security and the customer can access funds beyond the balance in their account. Both types of overdraft agreements typically involve the customer agreeing to pay fees and/or interest for using the overdraft facility. The bank may also have other restrictions and conditions, such as requiring the customer to maintain a minimum balance or make regular payments. It is important to read and understand the terms and conditions of an overdraft agreement before signing it.