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Definition. The pleading that starts a case. Essentially, a document that sets forth a jurisdictional basis for the court's power, the plaintiff's cause of action, and a demand for judicial relief.
If someone steals your property title, a lot can happen.The thief could sell your property or refinance it, not pay the mortgage and allow it to enter foreclosure. The theft of your deed is the result of identity theft. Criminals are using your identity to steal your home.
In legal terminology, a complaint is any formal legal document that sets out the facts and legal reasons (see: cause of action) that the filing party or parties (the plaintiff(s)) believes are sufficient to support a claim against the party or parties against whom the claim is brought (the defendant(s)) that entitles
An effective complaint often has three steps: explaining the problem; stating your feelings; and asking for action. The first step is to explain the problem. To do it effectively, you must use polite, respectful language. In English, polite language is usually indirect.