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Hardship Examples. There are a variety of situations that may qualify as a hardship. Keep it original. Be honest. Keep it concise. Don't cast blame or shirk responsibility. Don't use jargon or fancy words. Keep your objectives in mind. Provide the creditor an action plan.
Let the tenant know what day the rent is due and how much is owed. Remind the tenant of how they can pay rent; i.e., which payment methods are accepted. Ask the tenant to contact you if there are going to be any delays as soon as possible so you can work on a solution together.
Write a hardship letter to your landlord as soon as you know your rent will be late. Apologize for the problem and briefly explain why you cannot pay the rent on time. Give details about your situation, such as the dates you were in the hospital or the details about your job layoff.
The rental property address, including unit number (if applicable) The names of all tenants on the lease agreement. The date the notice was issued. The balance due. Any late fees or pending late fees for failing to pay within the time frame specified in the lease.
Dear Landlord's Name, I'm writing to inform you that my rent payment will be late this month. I was recently laid off from my job and won't be able to make the payment on time. I have applied for unemployment benefits, but it may take up to 2 weeks before I receive my first payment.
Dear Name of Tenant: This letter is to inform you that as of the date of this notice, I have not received your rental payment that was due on DATE. Because rent is due on the first of the month and will cover the rental unit for the dates of DATE through DATE, you are living in a unit you have not paid for.
Dear Landlord's Name, I'm writing to inform you that my rent payment will be late this month. I was recently laid off from my job and won't be able to make the payment on time. I have applied for unemployment benefits, but it may take up to 2 weeks before I receive my first payment.
Just be sincere and polite, which is what will get you sympathy. Inform the landlord about your plan for resolving your current situation. Develop an installment plan that you think you can afford. Indicate if you will be missing any future rent payments and, if so, how the shortfall be paid over time.