Account Stated for Construction Work is an accounting term used to describe the revenue and expenses a contractor incurs when working on a construction project. It is typically used to document the financial obligations between the contractor and the client. The Account Stated for Construction Work is a contractual agreement that outlines the details of the work to be performed, the total cost of the project, the payment terms, and the expected timeline for completion. The primary types of Account Stated for Construction Work include: Cost Plus Contracts, Lump Sum Contracts, Unit Price Contracts, and Time and Materials Contracts. Cost Plus Contracts provide the contractor with a base fee plus an additional fee based on the actual costs of the project. Lump Sum Contracts provide a fixed fee for the entire project, regardless of the actual costs and timeline. Unit Price Contracts are based on the individual units of work completed, with a predetermined price for each unit. Finally, Time and Materials Contracts are based on the amount of time and materials used by the contractor during the project.