A Daily Balance Ledger is a record of income and expenses from a single day, typically in a business setting. It is used to track the daily movements of cash and other financial transactions. It is typically kept in a ledger book, which is kept up to date with each transaction that occurs during the day. Furthermore, it includes a summary of all deposits, withdrawals, expenses, and other relevant transactions that take place during the day. There are various types of Daily Balance Ledger, including: • Cash Ledger: This type of ledger keeps track of all cash transactions, including withdrawals, deposits, and transfers. • Credit/Debit Ledger: This type of ledger keeps track of all credit/debit card transactions, including purchases, refunds, and payments. • Inventory Ledger: This type of ledger keeps track of all inventory purchases and sales. • Accounts Payable Ledger: This type of ledger keeps track of all accounts payable, including invoices, payments, and credit memos. • Accounts Receivable Ledger: This type of ledger keeps track of all accounts receivable, including invoices, payments, and credit memos.