Theft Concerning a Program Receiving Federal Funds refers to the unlawful taking of funds or property that are allocated by the federal government for a specific purpose. This includes funds that are intended for the execution of a program or operation, as well as funds that have been earmarked for a particular purpose. The four types of Theft Concerning a Program Receiving Federal Funds are: Stole, Embezzled, Converted, and Misapplied. Stole is the taking of funds or property without permission or consent, with the intent to use or benefit from it without the owner’s knowledge or permission. Embezzlement is the misuse of funds or property that has been entrusted to the offender by another. The offender has the intent to benefit from the funds or property in some way, either by using it for their own benefit or by transferring it to another person. Conversion is the unauthorized use of funds or property that have been entrusted to the offender. The offender intends to benefit from the funds or property in some way, either by using it for their own benefit or by transferring it to another person. Misapplied funds are funds or property that are used for an unauthorized purpose, or used in a manner not approved by the federal government. This includes using funds for expenses not related to the program or operation, or using funds to pay for services or goods not related to the program or operation.