Use or Possession of Fraudulent Immigration Documents is when someone uses or possesses fraudulent immigration documents or documents that are not legally issued by the relevant government agency. This is a serious crime as it is used to deceive immigration authorities and can lead to deportation. Types of Use or Possession of Fraudulent Immigration Documents include: • False Birth Certificates: when someone uses a fraudulent or fabricated birth certificate to gain access to a country or to obtain a visa. • False Passports: when someone uses a false or altered passport to gain access to a country or to obtain a visa. • False Identity Documents: when someone uses false or altered identity documents, such as driver's licenses or Social Security numbers, to gain access to a country or to obtain a visa. • False Employment Documents: when someone uses false or altered documents, such as pay stubs or work contracts, to gain access to a country or to obtain a visa. • False Visas: when someone uses a false or altered visa to gain access to a country or to obtain a visa.