6th Cir. Regulations for Selection of BAP Judges is the set of rules and procedures that govern the selection of Bankruptcy Appellate Panel (BAP) judges to serve in the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals. The 6th Circuit encompasses Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee. The 6th Cir. Regulations for Selection of BAP Judges are broken down into two categories: "Non-Attorney Judges" and "Attorneys." For Non-Attorney Judges, the selection process is based on seniority and experience. The selection committee is composed of the Chief Bankruptcy Judge for the 6th Circuit Bankruptcy Court, the Chief Judge of the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, and the Chief Judge of the Bankruptcy Appellate Panel. The selection committee considers the experience and seniority of the applicant and, if applicable, the applicant’s service on the Bankruptcy Appellate Panel (BAP). For Attorneys, the selection process is based on merit and qualifications. The selection committee is composed of the same members as the Non-Attorney Judges selection committee, plus two additional members who are chosen by the Chief Bankruptcy Judge. The selection committee evaluates the qualifications of the applicant and makes its selection based on merit and experience. In addition to the selection criteria, the 6th Cir. Regulations for Selection of BAP Judges also includes provisions for the term of office, the qualification and appointment of temporary judges, and the removal of judges.