The CJA Plan (also known as the Criminal Justice Act Plan) is a comprehensive plan developed by the U.S. Department of Justice to improve the functioning of the criminal justice system. The plan focuses on improving the efficiency of criminal justice procedures, addressing the needs of crime victims, increasing the effectiveness of law enforcement, and promoting community safety. The plan includes four core components: 1. Enhancing Public Safety: This component focuses on reducing crime and improving public safety through evidence-based practices, such as community-oriented policing, reentry services, and data-driven decision-making. 2. Strengthening Justice Processes: This component seeks to improve the efficiency of criminal justice processes by streamlining the investigation, prosecution, and adjudication of criminal cases, and improving the management of criminal cases. 3. Promoting Justice for Victims: This component focuses on improving the response to victims of crime by providing access to services, such as victim-oriented programs and services, victim notification systems, and victim impact statements. 4. Enhancing Justice System Capacity: This component focuses on increasing the capacity of criminal justice systems by providing resources to support the development of effective criminal justice policies, practices, and programs. The CJA Plan also includes two additional components: 1) Enhancing Justice System Access and 2) Promoting Justice System Coordination and Collaboration. These components focus on improving access to criminal justice services, such as indigent defense, and promoting collaboration among criminal justice agencies to improve the effectiveness of criminal justice policies and practices.