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Get started on your Tenant's Notice of Intent to Move Out today and experience the convenience of streamlined legal document preparation. Visit US Legal Forms now to explore your options!
The tenant must give 60 days notice before the last day of a tenancy year to be effective on the last day of the tenancy year. The landlord must give 90 days notice before the last day of a tenancy year to be effective on the last day of the tenancy year.
I am giving 1 month's notice to end my tenancy, as required by law. I will be leaving the property on (date xxxxx). I would like you to be at the property on the day I move out to check the premises and for me to return the keys. I also need you to return my tenancy deposit of (state amount).
Explain the Situation Tell your tenant in straightforward terms what the problem is, and explain that they cannot stay on the property any longer. Describe the Consequences Calmly explain that they will be evicted with necessary court orders if they remain on the property.
Dear (Name of landlord or manager), This letter constitutes my written (number of days' notice that you need to give based on your lease agreement)-day notice that I will be moving out of my apartment on (date), the end of my current lease. I am leaving because (new job, rent increase, etc.)
I am giving 1 month's notice to end my tenancy, as required by law. I will be leaving the property on (date xxxxx). I would like you to be at the property on the day I move out to check the premises and for me to return the keys. I also need you to return my tenancy deposit of (state amount).
To do so, first, you have to file an eviction notice in a court under the suitable jurisdiction stating why you want the property to be vacated. This notice should also have an appropriate time and the date by which you want the tenant to move out of the property.
The date you're submitting your notice. The date you're moving. Information on your current home the address and the landlord's name. A statement declaring that you intend to leave the home. A straightforward statement that you're providing this letter, 30 days out, per your lease agreement.
The date you're submitting your notice. The date you're moving. Information on your current home the address and the landlord's name. A statement declaring that you intend to leave the home. A straightforward statement that you're providing this letter, 30 days out, per your lease agreement.