Check List: Real Estate — Closing Day is a list of items that need to be addressed before the closing of a real estate transaction. It is important to have an organized and thorough list of items that need to be completed in order to ensure that all parties are satisfied and the transaction closes smoothly. Depending on the type of real estate transaction, the items on the checklist may vary. Common items on a Checklist: Real Estate — Closing Day include: — Finalizing the purchase agreement and closing documents — Verifying property titlinformationio— - Performing a final walk-through of the property — Obtaining all necessary signatures on closing documents — Ensuring all funds have been transferred — Preparing and delivering keys and other relevant documents — Finalizing the transfer of utilities and other services — Resolving any outstanding issues Depending on the complexity of the real estate transaction, there may be other items on the Checklist: Real Estate — Closing Day. It is important to consult a real estate professional or lawyer to ensure that all necessary items have been addressed.