Attorney Breakdown Form for Non-Capital Cases is a document used to track the time and costs associated with the legal representation of a client in a non-capital criminal case. This form typically includes the date, the name of the attorney or legal entity that provided representation, the name of the client, the time spent on each task, the total time spent on the case, the cost of each task, the total cost of the case, and any other information relevant to the case. There are two types of Attorney Breakdown Forms for Non-Capital Cases: the Itemized Attorney Breakdown Form and the Summary Attorney Breakdown Form. The Itemized Attorney Breakdown Form lists each task performed in detail, along with the associated time and costs, while the Summary Attorney Breakdown Form provides a summary of the time and costs associated with the case. Both forms provide an accurate record of the time and costs associated with the case, and can be used to track attorney fees and other costs associated with providing legal representation.