Chapter 7 Means Test Calculation is a process used to determine whether an individual qualifies for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The means test is a two-step process that looks at an individual's current monthly income (CMI) and compares it to the median income for their state. If the CMI falls below the state median, the individual automatically qualifies for Chapter 7. If the CMI is above the median, the second step of the means test is used to calculate the debtor's disposable income. The disposable income calculation takes into account certain allowed expenses, such as housing and transportation costs, and subtracts them from the CMI. If the individual's disposable income is low enough, they qualify for Chapter 7. The two types of Chapter 7 Means Test Calculation are the median income test and the disposable income calculation. The median income test is used to see if an individual's CMI falls below the median income of their state. The disposable income calculation is used to determine the debtor's disposable income after certain allowed expenses are taken into account.