Instructions for Attorney Services Detailed Budget Worksheet for Non-capital Representations with the Potential for Extraordinary Cost is a type of legal document that provides a comprehensive overview of the costs associated with a non-capital representation. This document is typically used by attorneys to provide their clients with an accurate estimate of the costs incurred for the legal services they will provide. It includes information such as the estimated hourly rate, total hours for the duration of the case, estimated costs for expert testimony, and any other additional costs. The document also includes information about any potential extraordinary costs associated with the case, such as the costs of appeals or complex litigation. There are two main types of Instructions for Attorney Services Detailed Budget Worksheet for Non-capital Representations with the Potential for Extraordinary Cost: one for cases with an estimated total budget under $50,000, and one for cases with an estimated total budget over $50,000. Both types of worksheets contain detailed information about the estimated costs associated with the case, including any potential extraordinary costs. The worksheet also includes instructions on how to properly fill out the budget worksheet, as well as information about how to file a request for an increase in the budget if necessary.