The Civil Cover Sheet (JS 44) is a form used by the United States District Courts to provide general information about a civil case for the court's use. The form is completed by the attorney or party filing the document and submitted along with the initial pleading. It is a two-page form that requests information about the parties involved, the nature of the claim, and the relief sought. It is used to help the court determine which judges and magistrates should hear the case, what procedures will apply, and what court fees may be applicable. There are three different types of Civil Cover Sheet (JS 44): the standard form, the supplemental form, and the prisoner form. The standard form is the most common and is used to provide the court with general information about the case. The supplemental form is used to provide additional information about the case, such as the value of the case or the number of parties involved. The prisoner form is used when the plaintiff or defendant is a prisoner.