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How Much Do A Yacht Captain Make? The captain of a yacht typically makes between $60,000 and $150,000, depending on the size of the yacht and his/her experience.
As for the chef on the boat, they make about $7,000-$10,000 a month, depending on experience and training. The deckhands usually make around $3,500-$4,500 a month, while a bosun would make a little bit more at approximately $5,000 a month.
Compensation for chief stews runs anywhere from $3,450 to $5,650 a month on smaller yachts (80 to 140 feet) to $5,200 to $8,000 a month on yachts over 140 feet. It is very common now to see $65K and $70K salaries, or even $90K+ on the much larger vessels.
Captains of luxury yachts command a base salary well into six figures. Dependent on the length of the vessel, tenure of experience, and level of licensing yacht captain salaries range from $48,000 to over $300,000.
Salary Ranges of a Yachtie The First officer's salary range is between $6,000 to $12,000 per month while a Second Officer's salary falls between $ 5,500 and $8,000. The Bosun earns between $4,500 and $6,000 per month. The average deckhand earns between $3,000 and $3,500 per month.
Captains of luxury yacht charters fall into this category and must have a license to operate the vessel. In order to become a boat captain you need to attend a training session and pass an examination administered by a certified United States Coast Guard instructor, among other requirements, like a drug test.
Captains must have considerable maritime experience and training. A Captain of a superyacht has to have excellent seafaring knowledge, a good grasp of accounting, IT and administration and also deal with authorities on matters such as paperwork and health and safety.
It requires 360 days of sea time aboard a sailing vessel not separate from the 360 required for your license and you'll have a small additional section added to your written exam.
According to ZipRecruiter, yacht chefs make on average of about $48,090 a year. ZipRecruiter has seen salaries as high as $80,500 and as low as $20,000. But most yacht chefs make between $37,500 to $51,000 a year.