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As of Apr 5, 2021, the average annual pay for an Executive Bodyguard in California is $53,331 an year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $25.64 an hour.
The national average cost for bodyguard protection is $20 to 30 per hour. However, a bodyguard can cost anywhere from $75 per hour for one guard at a one-day private event to $150 per hour for executive protection that may require bodyguards on-site 24/7.
To legally work as a bodyguard in California, at minimum you need to register as a California security guard. You will need a guard card and are required to obtain the 40-hours of training, as required by the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services.
As of Apr 15, 2021, the average annual pay for a President Bodyguard in the United States is $110,265 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $53.01 an hour. This is the equivalent of $2,120/week or $9,189/month.
On average, Celebrity Bodyguards earn approximately $64,700 per year. The salary range for Celebrity Bodyguards runs from $42,000 to $145,000. Bodyguards at elite firms start off at $100/hour and usually work 8-12 hour shifts.
It is a fun, exciting and profitable career but don't be fooled, it takes genuine work, street and book smarts, as well as common sense.Vast bodyguard opportunities everywhere to advance your career endeavors. 2022 You can truly make a difference in a clients' life in terms of safety, security and logistical comfort.
On average, Celebrity Bodyguards earn approximately $64,700 per year. The salary range for Celebrity Bodyguards runs from $42,000 to $145,000. Bodyguards at elite firms start off at $100/hour and usually work 8-12 hour shifts.
It's a big industry and growing. The average bodyguard makes $55,000 per year while some sign contracts for $700 per day or $180,000 per year. Location, experience, training, job description, and danger are the major factors in determining pay. Being a bodyguard can be mundane or it can be deadly.