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For most types of projects you hire an independent contractor (IC) to do, the law does not require you to put anything in writing. You can meet with the IC, agree on the terms of your arrangement, and have an oral contract or agreement that is legally binding. Just because you can doesn't mean you should, however.
Make sure the contractor obtains a permit if the job requires one. Ask for a copy of the contractor's license and proof of insurance. Pay by check and get a receipt. Document any changes to the contract in writing.
The IRS requires contractors to fill out a Form W-9, request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification, which you should keep on file for at least four years after the hiring. This form is used to request the correct name and Taxpayer Identification Number, or TIN, of the worker or their entity.
As an independent contractor, you have the right to market your services to other businesses and can work with more than one client at a time. Even if you have a long-term contract with a particular client, you can choose to work on additional projects as well.
4235 is called the Protecting Independent Contractors from Discrimination Act of 2019. If passed, the bill would allow independent contractors to sue employers for discrimination based on race, sex, religion, color, national origin, age, disability and genetic heredity as well as wage theft.
Terms. This is the first section of any agreement or contract and states the names and locations of the parties involved. Responsibilities & Deliverables. Payment-Related Details. Confidentiality Clause. Contract Termination. Choice of Law.
The earnings of a person who is working as an independent contractor are subject to Self-Employment Tax. If you are an independent contractor, you are self-employed. To find out what your tax obligations are, visit the Self-Employed Tax Center.
Protect your social security number. Have a clearly defined scope of work and contract in place with clients. Get general/professional liability insurance. Consider incorporating or creating a limited liability company (LLC).
Terms. This is the first section of any agreement or contract and states the names and locations of the parties involved. Responsibilities & Deliverables. Payment-Related Details. Confidentiality Clause. Contract Termination. Choice of Law.