PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE is a standard of proof used in many civil and criminal proceedings. It is the greater weight of evidence presented by one side in a dispute, as compared to the evidence presented by the other side. It is also known as a “balance of probabilities” or “greater weight of evidence.” In a criminal proceeding, preponderance of evidence is the standard used to determine guilt; the jury must decide that it is more likely than not that the defendant is guilty. In a civil proceeding, the standard of proof is usually higher than preponderance of evidence; the burden of proof is usually clear and convincing evidence. There are two types of preponderance of evidence: direct and circumstantial. Direct evidence is evidence that directly supports a claim, such as eye-witness testimony or a video recording. Circumstantial evidence is indirect evidence that requires inferences to connect it to a claim, such as an alibi or an expert opinion.