2.15 Bribery or Reward of a Bank Officer / 18 U.S.C. Sec. 215(a)(1) is a federal statute that prohibits the payment of a bribe, reward, or anything of value to a bank officer or employee in exchange for or with the intent to influence any act or decision by the officer or employee. This includes any act or decision related to the bank’s business, such as loans, accounts, or contracts. This applies to all U.S. banks, regardless of size or location. There are two types of 2.15 bribery or reward of a bank officer / 18 U.S.C. Sec. 215(a)(1): active bribery and passive bribery. Active bribery is when a bribe is given with the explicit intent to influence a bank officer’s or employee’s decisions or actions. Passive bribery is when a reward is given with the intent to reward a bank officer or employee for their decisions or actions. In either case, the intent is to influence the bank officer’s or employee’s behavior, and the payment of a bribe or reward is illegal.