Equally, culpable defendants are two or more defendants who are equally responsible for a crime. This means that each defendant is liable for the same criminal act, and they have the same degree of responsibility for the crime. It is also known as joint and several liabilities or joint and some culpability. There are two types of equally culpable defendants: joint defendants and concurrent defendants. Joint defendants are those who work together in the commission of a crime. They have the same level of responsibility for the crime and all of them can be held liable for the entire criminal act. Concurrent defendants are those who are involved in the commission of a crime independently of one another, but both are equally responsible for the crime. They both can be held liable for the entire criminal act. In both of these situations, the court will determine the degree of responsibility for each defendant and hold them both responsible for the same level of criminal liability. The court will also order the defendants to pay the same amount of restitution or fines.