Conspiracy to Defraud the United States is a federal offense in which two or more individuals conspire to deceive the United States government for the purpose of depriving the government of its right to have honest services or to gain property or assets from the government. This type of crime can be committed in various ways, such as by filing false documents, submitting false claims, or by engaging in bribery or kickbacks. There are different types of Conspiracy to Defraud the United States, including: 1. Filing False Documents — This type of conspiracy involves submitting false or misleading documents to the government in order to gain money or property. 2. Making False Claims — This type of conspiracy involves making false statements in order to obtain money or property from the government. 3. Bribery — This type of conspiracy involves offering or accepting money or something of value in exchange for a government benefit or decision. 4. Kickbacks — This type of conspiracy involves one party making payments to another in exchange for a benefit from the government.