5.14(B) Conspiracy Withdrawalwa— - Statute of Limitations -- Definition is a legal definition that describes the time limit that applies to a criminal charge of conspiracy. It states that a person can be held liable for a conspiracy-related charge only if the charge is made within the time limit set by the statute of limitations. This time limit varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and typically ranges from one to ten years. The statute of limitations for a conspiracy charge begins to run when the alleged criminal act is committed. There are two types of 5.14(B) Conspiracy Withdrawalwa— - Statute of Limitations -- Definition. The first is the "constructive withdrawal" definition, which states that a person who withdraws from a conspiracy after the alleged act is committed can still be held liable for the charge. The second is the "actual withdrawal" definition, which states that a person must actually withdraw from the conspiracy before the alleged act is committed in order to avoid liability.