10.11 Civil Rights-Title VII-"Adverse Employment Action" in Disparate Treatment Cases refers to any employment decision taken against an employee on the basis of their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin that negatively impacts their job or career. This includes any action taken by the employer that results in a significant change in the employee's job duties, compensation, or other terms of employment. This includes but is not limited to: demotions, suspensions, terminations, reductions in pay or hours, reassignments, transfers, or any other action that results in a significant change in the employee's job or career. There are two types of 10.11 Civil Rights-Title VII-"Adverse Employment Action" in Disparate Treatment Cases: direct evidence and circumstantial evidence. Direct evidence is evidence that shows a clear connection between the employer’s decision and the employee’s protected characteristic, such as statements from the employer that show discriminatory intent. Circumstantial evidence is evidence that shows an inference of discrimination, such as a pattern of decisions that disproportionately affect a protected group.