17.25 Copyright-Affirmative Defense-Implied License is an intellectual property law that allows for limited use of copyright-protected material without the need for express permission from the copyright holder. This type of license can be implied in certain circumstances, such as when a copyrighted work is used without permission, but the use is deemed to have been made in good faith. It can be used as a defense in a case of copyright infringement. There are two main types of 17.25 Copyright-Affirmative Defense-Implied License: the implied license of adaptation and the implied license of adaptation for non-commercial use. The implied license of adaptation allows a person to make modifications to a copyrighted work, provided that the original work is credited and the modifications are not used for commercial gain. The implied license of adaptation for non-commercial use allows a person to use a copyrighted work for non-commercial purposes, provided that the original work is credited and the user does not attempt to gain any monetary benefit from the use of the copyrighted work.