Virginia Order for Return of Unclaimed Funds is a process by which Virginia residents can reclaim unclaimed money and property that has been left unclaimed and forgotten in the accounts of banks, insurance companies, financial institutions, and other businesses. The Commonwealth of Virginia holds the money in an Unclaimed Property Fund until the rightful owners claim it. There are two types of Virginia Order for Return of Unclaimed Funds: a Voluntary Return and a Forced Return. A Voluntary Return is when the owner of the funds voluntarily returns the money to the rightful owner. The money is then held in an Unclaimed Property Fund until the rightful owner claims it. A Forced Return is when the owner of the funds is ordered by the State of Virginia to return the money to the rightful owner. The money is then held in an Unclaimed Property Fund until the rightful owner claims it. In order to reclaim the money, the owner must submit a Virginia Order for Return of Unclaimed Funds to the State of Virginia. The form must include proof of ownership and a copy of the owner's valid identification. Once the form is received and approved, the money is transferred to the rightful owner.