Virginia Friday Civil Motions Day Precisepe/Notice and Instructions For Fiduciary Cases Only is a program established to allow fiduciary cases to be heard on the first Friday of each month. The program provides courts with an opportunity to hear uncontested fiduciary cases on the same day. The program is specifically for fiduciary cases, including such matters as guardianship, conservatorships, and matters involving trusts and estates. The program requires the filing of a Precise/Notice and Instructions for Fiduciary Cases, which must be filed at least seven days before the Friday on which the case is to be heard. The Precise/Notice must be signed by all parties, or their respective counsel, and must list the name of the case, the name of the court, and the date and time of the hearing. Additionally, the Precise/Notice must include a brief statement outlining the matter to be heard. The Precise/Notice and Instructions for Fiduciary Cases must be served to all parties of record, including the court, at least five days prior to the hearing date. The Precise/Notice must also be posted in the courthouse lobby at least three days prior to the hearing date. The Virginia Friday Civil Motions Day Precisepe/Notice and Instructions For Fiduciary Cases Only program is designed to provide a more efficient method of hearing uncontested fiduciary cases, allowing the court to address a greater number of cases in a shorter amount of time.