US Legal Forms stands out with its robust collection, providing more forms than competitors at a similar cost, along with access to premium experts for guidance. This ensures that all legal documents are accurate and reliable.
In conclusion, accessing the Virginia Excavation Contractor Package is a straightforward process that empowers you with the necessary legal tools. Don't hesitate to start your journey toward compliant contracting—visit US Legal Forms today!
Do I really need to get a business license in Virginia? Yes! It's true that a lot of self-employed individuals, particularly those who work from home, never get a state or local Virginia business license.
A Class C Contractor is any contractor that has single contracts from $1,000 or more but less than $10,000 or contracts totaling less than $150,000 over a one-year period. Virginia does not require Continuing Education for the Class C Contractor classification.
Operating without a required contractor's license is a criminal class one misdemeanor. There can be DPOR civil penalties. Operating without a required contractor license would be a violation of the Virginia Consumer Protection Act. This is a very legitimate police power by the state.
Who Needs a Contractors License? Anybody who is performing or managing construction, removal, repair, or improvements when the total value of a single project is over $1,000 must obtain a license from DPOR.
It is a common misconception that since the construction exam is open book, it is not difficult to pass. In actuality the Virginia builders license exam is more difficult to pass than similar closed book exams due to the fact that you have books available as a resource during the contractor test.
In the state of Virginia (VA), a contractor's license is legally required for any work that exceeds $1,000 in labor and materials.
All contractors of any kind must complete an 8-hour Contractor Basic Business course. Courses may be taken online or in a classroom as long as they are approved by the Commonwealth of Virginia.