Washington RMHCPolicy Regarding Marijuana is a set of regulations and guidelines that aim to protect and promote public health and safety by regulating the sale, possession, and use of marijuana in Washington State. The policy includes the following key components: 1. Compliance with the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board's regulations for the sale, possession, and use of recreational marijuana. This includes requirements such as age verification for purchases, labeling and packaging of products, and product testing. 2. Prevention of youth access to marijuana. This includes restrictions on advertising and marketing, as well as age-verification procedures for purchases. 3. Education and awareness campaigns to inform the public about the risks of marijuana use and to promote responsible use. 4. Enforcement of laws and regulations related to the sale, possession, and use of marijuana. 5. Research on the effects of marijuana use and the development of evidence-based policies. 6. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the policy and programs.