Washington Form ADV-NR is a filing requirement for investment advisers located in Washington State. It is a form that must be completed and submitted to the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) as part of the registration process. The form is composed of two parts: Part 1A and Part 2. Part 1A is a disclosure document that outlines the investment adviser’s business information and services. Part 2 contains a variety of questions related to the investment adviser’s activities, such as fees, conflicts of interest, and other potential areas of concern. Washington Form ADV-NR is also known as the Washington State Investment Adviser Registration Form. There are two types of Washington Form ADV-NR: Initial and Renewal. An Initial Washington Form ADV-NR must be completed and submitted when an investment adviser is registering with the DFI for the first time. A Renewal Washington Form ADV-NR must be completed and submitted annually in order to renew the investment adviser’s registration with the DFI.