The Washington Order to Release Weapons (ORR) is an authorization issued by the Secretary of Defense to the military services that allows them to release weapons in their custody for a specific mission or purpose. The ORR is a specific type of contract that provides legal authority for the military to transfer weapons to a foreign government, agency, or entity. The ORR is issued in accordance with the Arms Export Control Act (AEC) and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (STAR). There are three main types of ORR: 1. Direct Commercial Sale (DCS): This type of ORR is issued to allow the transfer of weapons from the U.S. government to a foreign purchaser under a contract that involves commercial sales. 2. Foreign Military Sales (FMS): This type of ORR is issued to allow the transfer of weapons from the U.S. government to a foreign purchaser under a contract that involves military sales. 3. Government-to-Government Transfer (G2G): This type of ORR is issued to allow the transfer of weapons from the U.S. government to another government or entity, such as a foreign government or an international organization.