The Washington Order Approving Budget, Disbursements, and Initial Personal Care Plan (RAPT) is an order issued by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSS) to approve a budget, disbursements, and an initial personal care plan. This order is used to ensure that an individual receiving personal care services is receiving the care they need in accordance with the approved budget and plan. The order is issued to the individual receiving services, their service provider, and their fiscal agent. There are two types of RAPT orders: the ORAPRT-1, which is used for an initial authorization of personal care services; and the ORAPRT-2, which is used for renewals or changes to the personal care plan. The ORAPRT-1 includes a budget, list of services, and the start and end dates of services. The ORAPRT-2 includes a budget, list of services, and proposed changes to the care plan. Both RAPT orders require the individual's signature and the signature of their service provider. The order is then filed with the DSS and the fiscal agent. The RAPT order is an important legal document and should be kept on file for future reference.