The Washington Advice of Rights To Revision (WA ARR) is a document which codifies the rights of individuals and organizations to appeal, revise or amend decisions made by government agencies in the state of Washington. This document outlines the right to seek administrative review and offers guidance on how to proceed with the revision of a government decision. It also provides information regarding the procedures to be followed in the event of an appeal. The WA ARR consists of two main types of documents: the Advice of Rights To Revision and the Mandamus. The Advice of Rights To Revision outlines the rights of individuals and organizations to request administrative review of a government decision. It provides detailed instructions on how to proceed with the revision process, including information on filing deadlines and the appeals process. The Mandamus is a document which outlines the rules and procedures for filing an appeal in court. Both documents provide guidance on filing an appeal, the deadlines for filing, and the various options available for revising or amending the decision of a government agency. In addition, the WA ARR also outlines the remedies available and the potential consequences of filing a successful or unsuccessful appeal. The documents also provide information on the various steps that may be taken to resolve the decision-making process.