Washington Is Retrospective Rating Right for You? Is a program offered by the Washington Department of Labor and Industries that allows employers to be rated based on their claims history and thereby receive discounted workers' compensation premiums. It is a voluntary program that employers can choose to participate in. This program is advantageous for employers who have a good claims history, as they can receive discounts on their premiums. Employers with a higher number of claims may need to pay additional premiums. The program consists of two types of retrospective rating plans. The first type is the Standard Retrospective Rating Plan, which is designed for employers with up to 500 employees and requires them to pay a minimum premium that is set by the Department of Labor and Industries. The second type is the Advanced Retrospective Rating Plan, which is designed for employers with more than 500 employees and requires them to pay a minimum premium that is based on their own claims history. Overall, the Washington Is Retrospective Rating Right for You? Program allows employers to receive discounted premiums based on their claims history. It is a beneficial program for employers who have a good claims history, as they can save money on their premiums.