The Washington Sample Format for Vocational Testing Report is a comprehensive assessment tool designed to help individuals explore career and educational options. It includes an individualized report that provides an overall assessment of the individual’s aptitudes, interests, and work preferences. The report also contains a career exploration guide and a listing of potential career paths. The Washington Sample Format for Vocational Testing Report includes two major components: the aptitude and interest tests and the work preference inventory. The aptitude and interest tests are designed to measure an individual’s abilities and interests, and to provide an indication of how these abilities and interests might be developed or used in a career. The work preference inventory measures an individual’s work style preferences and provides information about how these preferences may influence career choices. The Washington Sample Format for Vocational Testing Report is available in two versions: the full report and the condensed report. The full report provides a comprehensive assessment of the individual’s aptitudes, interests, and work preferences, as well as a career exploration guide and a listing of potential career paths. The condensed report provides a summary of the aptitude and interest tests, an overview of the work preference inventory, and a career exploration guide.