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Landlords are prohibited from harassing or retaliating against tenants who exercise their legal rights. In Wisconsin, the landlord must not terminate, refuse to renew a lease, or fine a tenant for complaining to the landlord regarding the deposit, complaining to a government agency, or exercising a legal right.
If you are renting by the month, the landlord may terminate the rental agreement by giving you a written termination notice at least 28 days before the next rent due date. You must use the same procedure in notifying the landlord of your intent to terminate the rental agreement, Wis.
A landlord can file an eviction claim in small claims court after the tenant fails to either pay rent, fix the lease violation, or move out of the property within the five-day time period. The landlord must file a summons and complaint in the small claims court of the county where the rental property is located.
Your landlord can end the let at any time by serving a written 'notice to quit'. The notice period will depend on the tenancy or agreement, but is often at least 4 weeks.
In Wisconsin, landlords may evict tenants during any time of the year, including during the winter months. Landlords must, however, provide written notice to the tenant providing an adequate notice period prior to filing a summons and complaint in the county clerk's office.
The landlord can enter at reasonable times to inspect the premises, make repairs, or show the premises to prospective tenants. The landlord usually must give 12 hours notice before entry, unless immediate entry is necessary to preserve or protect the premises, such as in case of a fire or a burst water pipe.
In Wisconsin, a landlord can evict a tenant for a variety of reasons, such as tenant nonpayment of rent or violation of rental or lease agreement term. Depending on the circumstances, a tenant facing an eviction may have the legal grounds, or a defense, to challenge the eviction.
The landlord can give the tenant a five-day notice to pay or vacate. This notice informs the tenant that the tenant has five days to either pay rent or move out of the rental unit, or the landlord will file an eviction lawsuit against the tenant.
In Wisconsin, landlords may evict tenants during any time of the year, including during the winter months. Landlords must, however, provide written notice to the tenant providing an adequate notice period prior to filing a summons and complaint in the county clerk's office.