Wisconsin Adoption of Fictitious Name is a legal process allowing an individual or business to conduct business under a name other than their own. This process is commonly referred to as a “DBA” (Doing Business As) filing. By filing a fictitious name, business owners can create a separate legal entity from their personal name and identity. This allows them to conduct business under the DBA name while protecting their personal identity. There are two types of Wisconsin Adoption of Fictitious Name: Sole Proprietor and Corporation. With a Sole Proprietor filing, a single individual is responsible for the entire business’s liabilities, debts, and obligations. With a Corporation filing, the business is registered as its own separate entity, meaning the business itself is liable for liabilities, debts, and obligations, not the individual owners. The Wisconsin Adoption of Fictitious Name filing process involves submitting an application to the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions that includes the name of the company, the type of business, and the address of the business. The filing fee is $25 and the application must be renewed every five years.