The Wisconsin Consent Decree (Out-of-Home Placement Only) is a court order issued by the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin. It applies to children who are placed in out-of-home placements for residential care, including foster care and residential treatment centers. The Consent Decree requires the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families (DCF) to comply with certain standards for the care and treatment of children in out-of-home placements. The Wisconsin Consent Decree consists of three distinct decrees: the Residential Care Facilities Decree, the Foster Care Services Decree, and the Mental Health Services Decree. The Residential Care Facilities Decree requires that DCF ensure that residential care facilities meet certain standards, including standards for staffing, safety, and quality of care. The Foster Care Services Decree requires that DCF ensure that foster care services meet certain standards, including standards for placement stability, visitation, and case management. The Mental Health Services Decree requires that DCF ensure that mental health services meet certain standards, including standards for access to services and treatment. The Wisconsin Consent Decree is intended to ensure that children in out-of-home placements receive appropriate and safe care and that their rights are protected. It also ensures that families are provided with the necessary support and services to ensure that their children remain in out-of-home placements for as short a period of time as possible.