Wisconsin Letters of Temporary Guardianship of the Estate Due to Incompetency are court orders that appoint a person to be responsible for the estate of an incompetent or incapacitated individual. These are issued in cases where the individual is unable to manage their own financial affairs and needs someone else to make decisions on their behalf. The types of Wisconsin Letter of Temporary Guardianship of the Estate Due to Incompetency are: Limited Guardianship, Full Guardianship, and Plenary Guardianship. Limited Guardianship of the Estate restricts the guardian’s decision-making to a specific set of tasks and decisions. This type of guardianship is usually used when the individual is able to make some decisions on their own but needs assistance with others. Full Guardianship of the Estate grants the guardian total control of the estate and all decisions related to it. This type of guardianship is usually used when the individual is completely incapable of making any decisions on their own. Plenary Guardianship of the Estate grants the guardian both limited and full decision-making powers. This type of guardianship is usually used when the individual is not completely incapacitated, but needs help making some decisions. Wisconsin Letters of Temporary Guardianship of the Estate Due to Incompetency are important documents that provide the court with proof that the guardian is qualified and able to handle the responsibility of managing the incompetent or incapacitated individual’s estate.