Kansas Living Will & Health Care Forms - Living Will Kansas
Get the Peace of Mind you Deserve!
Make your Living Will Today! A living will is a document that allows you to specify what should be done about life-sustaining procedures if, in the future, your death from a terminal condition is imminent despite the application of life-sustaining procedures or you are in a persistent vegetative state.
Kansas Living Wills - Advance Health Care Directives Kansas Living Will Document
Statutory Declaration relating to use of life-sustaining procedures
» This Declaration allows you to decide whether you desire life support under certain circumstances. It provides instructions to your family and doctors should you have an incurable injury, disease, illness or condition and you are unable to express your wishes with regard to treatment.
Health Care Power of Attorney Forms Kansas Living Will Form
Statutory Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
» Appoint a person to make health care decisions, including the use of life-sustaining procedures, for you when you are not capable of making a decision or consenting to treatment with a durable power of attorney for healthcare.
All Kansas Power of Attorney and Health Care Forms
Kansas Living Wills & Health Care Package
Although the term Living Will may indicate that it is a Will, in reality, it is more similar to a Power of Attorney than a Will. Therefore, don't be confused by the title of the document. The purpose of a living will is to allow you to make decisions about life support and directs others to implement your desires in that regard.
Some States use documents with other names which serve the same function as a Living Will.
Q:Â If I make a living will, does that assure that the Courts will not get involved and that family members will not be allowed to fight over the decision I make in the Living Will about whether I desire to continue life support?
A:Â No, but it changes the facts and reduces the chances that
your wishes would not be followed. Family members could still dispute
the medical opinions that you will not recover.
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