Anchorage, AK 99503-3898. Based in Anchorage, Alaska.This state funded project includes replacing cast iron drain lines in the Juneau State Office Building in Juneau, Alaska. Contractor means any party to a contract with the municipality. A Service Line Agreement (SLA) is an agreement between a utility company and a landowner. An application for service is an agreement to pay for services. Contract start date approximately 60-90 days after the release of the RFP. Employees on a tour of Corps projects in the Anchorage area. Considered necessary to complete the work to the full intent of the plans and specifications. 29. After bids were received and evaluated, a contract for the work was awarded to a local contractor, Quality Asphalt Paving (QAP) based in Anchorage, AK.
Contractor means any party to a contract with the municipality. An Application for Service Agreement (ASA) is an agreement to pay for services. Contract start date approximately 90-180 days after the release of the RFP. This is the end of the first phase of the Citywide Project. This is an ongoing project that will address many of the same issues as the new Center City project, and that is dependent on continued funding by the City of Anchorage. This is primarily a drainage and stormwater improvement project. This will not significantly impact the core community service. The Center City project requires a permit, and as such should have the permit done before proceeding to the new project. 30. The City of Anchorage has received a contract for the Juneau Department of Parks and Recreation (DR) to install a new storm sewers system to treat stormwater and sediment for the Juneau Downtown area. Contractor means any party to a contract with the municipality.
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