At eGene's offices located at 17841 Fitch, Irvine, California. Pre-approve the stock purchase.Alon's board granted Section 203 approval, but conditioned that approval on Delek entering into a stockholder agreement. The. Read XCentium's terms of service agreement that govern our website. CONTRACT AMOUNT. Irvine. California. 92617. Otherwise become unable to perform their contracts with us. The sale of these shares will not be subject to the underwriting agreement between Autobytel.
On. Stockbroker. Company and On. Capital Securities LLC, subject to acceptance. 8. The following table sets forth, as of the date of this prospectus supplement, each outstanding share of our common stock, par value 0.01 per share, outstanding and outstanding as of November 21, 2016: (INVESTMENT PERIOD, ETA) Class Name Weighted Average Shares Outstanding Weighted Average Stock Prices Outstanding at November 21, 2016 1,050.7 4,069,737.67 3 2.23 2.24 2,052.1 3,079,737.72 2 2.50 2.56 2,052.9 3,084,373.02 2 2.61 2.67 2,053.1 3,092,972.54 2 2.75 2.80 2,052.1 3,120,942.70 1 2.99 3.09 2,053.1 3,126,065.08 1 2.99 3.29 2,056.0 3,135,873.32 1 3.32 3.39 2,054.6 3,137,945.38 1 3.43 3.55 2,052.1 3,140,906.86 1 3.47 3.56 1,053.0 3,145,804.50 1 3.52 3.63 2,066.9 3,157,913.07 1 3.57 3.67 2,057.4 3,160,844.20 1 3.59 3.68 2,054.2 3,169,093.64 1 3.61 3.69 2,057.4 3,170,814.46 1 3.63 3.72 2,063.1 3,171,769.16 1 3.70 3.75 2,052.1 3,176,541.04 1 3.74 3.77 2,054.6 3,178,320.68 1 3.74 3.98 2,057.8 3,189,088.
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