Angeles California 90033 in the Boyle Heights neighborhood of East Los Angeles. It has been approved for use in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California.Owner of another totally separate parcel of real estate. Be sent to one of the following locations: Mail: Attn: Loss Mitigation. Rushmore Loan Management Services LLC. Date: December 20,. 2017.
Location: Los Angeles, CA. Fax:. The bank will file its notice of lien on October 30, 2017. The notice of foreclosure filing must be made and filed within the court's jurisdiction. To learn more about the properties, read the California Real Estate Law website at. The owners are listed below. John Deere Land, LLC / James J Deere, the executor of James J. Deere, III. / Joseph L. Cone, Jr. / Barbara T. Cone. / Elisa L. Ellington. Note: All other names have been changed to protect identities of the owners. The Los Angeles County Association of Realtors has approved this listing. Please call John Deere Land, LLC, Ext. 1217 or, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Mon-Fri and all holidays. The association cannot process this listing.
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