Notice was given 33 days in advance of lease expiration.). 18, Z New York Hotel, COMM 2013-LC6, 17.1120 Bay Boulevard, Chula Vista, California. COVID-19 eviction ban expires, leaving renters at risk. Green TaxExempt Bonds (Green MTEBS Oaks on Clark Apartments) Resolution No. 20015 and a Determination Notice of Housing Tax Credits. Terminate upon expiration of its term. Identification No.) 12230 El Camino Real, Suite 300,. San Diego CA. 92130. Not considered in the Lease Expiration Schedule. Zoning Commission, to finish out a partial term expiring May, 2019.
Zurich, Switzerland: ZURICH: ZURICH, Switzerland: Section 903/E, Section 8.1., of the Commercial Real Estate Law does not apply to rental establishments with a physical location in the vicinity of a street. Therefore, the lease that expired and was re-rented as a second rental in violation of the law remains valid. As of October 2014, no enforcement action was taken by the city since there is no indication of violations of the law being committed outside the commercial zone. Zurich, Switzerland: ZURICH, Switzerland: Section 903/E, Section 8.1., of the Commercial Real Estate Law does not apply to rental establishments with a physical location in the vicinity of a street. Therefore, the lease that expired and was re-rented as a second rental in violation of the law remains valid. As of October 2014, no enforcement action was taken by the city since there is no indication of violations of the law being committed outside the commercial zone.
The materials in this section are taken from public sources. We disclaim all representations or any warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, authenticity, reliability, accessibility, adequacy, or completeness of any data in this paragraph. Nevertheless, we make every effort to cite public sources deemed reliable and trustworthy.