CCDCV60P Declaration in Support of. Nevada US Filing Fees for Divorce in Washoe County.From the publication of the California Style Manual. The manual provides a guide to standard legal style in the appellate courts, and benefits litigants. The California Rules of Court are not printed as part of the Stanislaus County Local. Rules, but are considered incorporated within them. If the court denies your fee waiver request after a hearing, your options depend on what the court orders.
) Fees: If the Court denies your application for one or more reasons stated in the court “Reason for Denial” letter, the fee for you is 1,024.00 and the application fee, if any, is an additional 6.00. If the Court grants your application without a hearing, you do not have to pay a fee. You must pay only the application fee if you have lost the hearing before. If the Court grants your application without hearing, the application fee is the fulfilling fee plus 1,024.00. If the Court grants your application for a divorce, the 6,000.00 cost plus the application fee and an additional 2,048.00 for each month of filing fees is payable only within the period of three months after the filing date. If you need more time to complete the final application forms and fee payment is needed by the closing date of the period of time provided by the court.
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